
HackMe Quick Info

HackMe organized by Skills Nights

HackMe is a national-level hackathon aiming to spark original and fruitful thinking for a more efficient and uncomplicated lifestyle in the future which majorly depends upon technology and as much as you can rely on technology, it's important to make sure that it isn't harmful to the environment which is why the prime theme of the Hackathon is "A Greener Tomorrow". Ideas are simple to generate but challenging to put into practice. If you believe you can, follow along.


Registration Starts

13th September 2022

Registration Closes

18th September 2022

Tech Quiz

18th September 2022

Quiz Round Result

19th September 2022

Problem Statement Reveal

19th September 2022

Round 1 Starts

19th September 2022

Round 1 Submission

27th September 2022

Round 1 Result

1st October 2022

Grand Finale

16th October 2022

Closing Ceremony & Results

16th October 2022


  • The winner gets a cash prize worth INR 21,0001
  • Finalist teams will get exclusive HackMe goodies.2
  • Participation Certificate to all the Greener Tomorrow Tech Quiz qualifying teams3

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