Game Jam

Game Jam Quick Info

Game Jam organized by Dimensions

Game Jam is an exciting single-round online mind-boggling competition where the teams (of 1-2 students) will be building a one-level 2D game (similar to Arcade, Platformer, etc.) that is to be judged on the basis of predefined parameters by the organizing committee. The games developed will then be given out to the audience(both offline and online) to vote out for the best ones. in order to be eligible to qualify for the finale. Access to all the games will be given to the audience (both online and offline) and they would vote for the best one. It's solely on the basis of the number of votes a particular game gets, the winning team would be rewarded and they take away the magnificent cash prize and other goodies back home.


Registration Start

30th September 2022

Registration End

7th October 2022

Theme Reveal

7th October 2022

Submision Ends

9th October 2022

Result Announcement

16th October 2022


  • Prizes Worth : Rs.7000/-1

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